Large Crochet/Rug Hooks

Turn of the Century handmade wooden rug hooks are now available in sizes N, P, Q & S; in addition, 9mm and 13mm. Each hook is individually freehand crafted by William Schmidt in his own signature style. They are ideal for multi-strand crocheting as well as traditional rug crocheting.

Most are made of hard, high quality native hardwoods for beauty and a reasonable working weight. The large crochet hooks have the intricate design for only 1/4 of their length to provide for a greater smooth grip area.

The hook portion is a finely sculpted adaptation of the smaller hooks. The deep rounded gullet and gentle curves are designed for smooth operation. This differentiates it from many handmade and most commercial hooks that are simply slotted or have sharp corners.

6 Large crochet hooks

Caution: Though these hooks are made of hard, strong woods they are not as hard as plastic or metal. They should not be used for abrasive yarns or materials.

Large Hook Sizes are Boye N (8mm), Boye P (10mm), Boye Q (16mm), Bates S (19mm), and in-between 9mm and 13mm sizes. The 13mm (about 1/2 inch) fills the large gap between the 10mm "P" and the 16mm "Q". The hooks are about 7-1/2 inches long.

The woods in the above illustration are (top to bottom) Jatoba, Maple, Wild Cherry, Ash and Black Walnut. The Cherry will darken to about the color of Jatoba in time. The Jatoba is actually a Brazilian wood that I will continue to use only for the size "N" hooks (while my small supply lasts).

You are encouraged to request specific hooks, (eg. size P - #10 walnut).
The numbers on the wood lists correspond to the numbers by the hooks in the adjoining picture.
There is a link to an email form below all the pictures, right above the word "Prices".

Be sure I have your e-mail or phone in case that hook is already spoken for. It would be wise to specify alternates if acceptable. I will mark reserved hooks as soon as I can.

In the following pictures, the woods are, from hardest to softest: Maple, Dogwood, Japanese Maple, Black Locust, Hickory, Hornbeam, Oak, Ash, Plum, Apple, Lilac, Cherry, Lyptus, Honey Locust, Pear, Walnut, Wavy Maple, Elm.

In stock now:
All hooks NOT marked "SOLD" are available.
Please, DO NOT request hooks that have been labeled as SOLD.

Reserved and sold hooks will be labeled as SOLD beside the wood identification. (page updated 8/30/2024)
We will hold hooks on reserve for one to two weeks pending payment.

NOTE: 6/16/2017 Those with small screen devices (tablets and phones) may find this page very long and hard to navigate... particularly if the wood list does not show up beside the pictures of the hooks.
We are starting to make individual pages for each size as we restock the sizes (so far, the "N", 13mm and "S" sizes).
On these pages, the pictures and accompanying wood lists have been broken into smaller segments so, if your device separates the two, you will not have to scroll as much to determine the wood or "SOLD"/UNSOLD status of a particular hook.
WE HOPE this makes shopping easier. Let us know.

Size "N" (8mm) Crochet Hooks

Link to the "N" Hook Page

79 Size N (8mm) hooks for sale All hooks are 8MM ("N")
Woods are: (top to bottom)

1. cherry - SOLD
2. cherry - SOLD
3. cherry
4. cherry - SOLD
5. cherry - SOLD
6. cherry - SOLD
7. cherry - SOLD
8. cherry - SOLD

9. dogwood - SOLD
10. dogwood - SOLD
11. dogwood - SOLD

12. walnut
13. walnut - SOLD
14. walnut - SOLD
15. walnut - SOLD
16. walnut - SOLD
17. walnut - SOLD
18. walnut - SOLD
19. walnut

20. maple
21. maple
22. maple

23. ash
24. ash
25. ash

26. honey locust
27. honey locust - SOLD
28. honey locust - SOLD

29. lyptus - SOLD
30. lyptus
31. lyptus

32. hickory - SOLD
33. hickory - SOLD
34. hickory - SOLD

35. plum - SOLD
36. plum - SOLD
37. plum

38. pear - SOLD
39. pear - SOLD
40. pear - SOLD

41. apple
42. apple - SOLD
43. apple - SOLD
44. apple - SOLD
45. apple - SOLD

46. Japanese Maple
47. Japanese Maple
48. Japanese Maple
49. Japanese Maple

50. oak
51. oak
52. oak

53. black locust - SOLD
54. black locust - SOLD
55. black locust
56. black locust - SOLD

57. lilac - SOLD
58. lilac - SOLD
59. lilac SOLD
60. lilac - SOLD

61. wavy maple - SOLD
62. wavy maple - SOLD
63. wavy maple

64. birdseye maple
65. birdseye maple - SOLD

66. curly maple
67. curly maple
68. curly maple

69. pin oak - SOLD
70. pin oak - SOLD
71. pin oak - SOLD

72. Mulberry - SOLD
73. Mulberry - SOLD
74. Mulberry
75. Mulberry

76. Elm
77. Elm
78. Elm

79. Hornbeam - SOLD

9mm Crochet Hooks

Link to the 9mm Hook Page

71 9mm hooks for sale All hooks are 9MM
Woods are: (top to bottom)

1. cherry - SOLD
2. cherry - SOLD
3. cherry
4. cherry - SOLD
5. cherry - SOLD
6. cherry
7. cherry

8. dogwood - SOLD
9. dogwood - SOLD

10. walnut - SOLD
11. walnut - SOLD
12. walnut
13. walnut - SOLD
14. walnut - SOLD
15. walnut - SOLD

16. maple - SOLD
17. maple
18. maple
19. maple

20. ash - SOLD
21. ash
22. ash

23. honey locust - SOLD
24. honey locust
25. honey locust

26. lyptus
27. lyptus
28. lyptus

29. hickory

30. plum
31. plum - SOLD
32. plum

33. pear
34. pear
35. pear

36. apple - SOLD
37. apple
38. apple

39. Japanese maple
40. Japanese maple - SOLD
41. Japanese maple
42. Japanese maple

43. oak
44. oak
45. oak
46. oak

47. lilac - SOLD
48. lilac - SOLD
49. lilac SOLD
50. lilac - SOLD

51. wavy maple - SOLD
52. wavy maple - SOLD

53. curly maple
54. curly maple
55. curly maple
56. curly maple

57. pin oak
58. pin oak - SOLD
59. pin oak
60. pin oak - SOLD

61. mulberry - SOLD
62. mulberry
63. mulberry - SOLD

64. elm
65. elm
66. elm

67. birdseye maple
68, birdseye maple
69. birdseye maple

70. hornbeam
71. hornbeam

Size "P" (10mm) Crochet Hooks

Link to the P Hook Page

84 Size P (10mm) hooks for sale All hooks are 10MM ("P").
Woods are: (top to bottom)

1. cherry - SOLD
2. cherry
3. cherry - SOLD
4. cherry - SOLD
5. cherry
6. cherry - SOLD
7. cherry - SOLD

8. dogwood - SOLD
9. dogwood - SOLD

10. walnut
11. walnut
12. walnut
13. walnut
14. walnut - SOLD

15. maple
16. maple - SOLD
17. maple
18. maple - SOLD

19. ash - SOLD
20. ash
21. ash
22. ash

23. honey locust
24. honey locust - SOLD
25. honey locust
26. honey locust - SOLD

27. lyptus - SOLD
28. lyptus
29. lyptus - SOLD
30. lyptus - SOLD

31. hickory - SOLD
32. hickory
33. hickory - SOLD

34. plum
35. plum
36. plum
37. plum - SOLD

38. pear
39. pear
40. pear - SOLD
41. pear - SOLD

42. apple
43. apple
44. apple
45. apple - SOLD
46. apple - SOLD

47. Japanese maple
48. Japanese maple
49. Japanese maple - SOLD
50. Japanese maple - SOLD

51. oak
52. oak - SOLD
53. oak
54. oak - SOLD

55. lilac - SOLD
56. lilac - SOLD
57. lilac - SOLD
58. lilac - SOLD
59. lilac - SOLD

60. wavy maple - SOLD
61. wavy maple - SOLD
62. wavy maple - SOLD

63. black locust - SOLD
64. black locust - SOLD
65. black locust - SOLD
66. black locust - SOLD

67. curly maple
68. curly maple
69. curly maple
70. curly maple - SOLD

71. mulberry
72. mulberry
73. mulberry
74. mulberry
75. mulberry - SOLD

76. birdseye maple SOLD
77. birdseye maple - SOLD
78. birdseye maple - SOLD

79. elm
80. elm
81. elm
82. elm - SOLD

83. hornbeam
84. hornbeam

13mm Crochet Hooks

Link to the 13mm Hook Page

64 13mm hooks for sale All hooks are 13MM.
Woods are: (top to bottom)

1. cherry

2. cherry

3. cherry

4. cherry

5. cherry

6. cherry

7. walnut - SOLD

8. walnut

9. walnut - SOLD

10. walnut - SOLD

11. walnut

12. walnut - SOLD

13. maple

14. maple

15. maple - SOLD

16. ash - SOLD

17. ash

18. ash

19. honey locust

20. honey locust - SOLD

21. honey locust - SOLD

22. lyptus

23. lyptus - SOLD

24. lyptus

25. hickory - SOLD

26. hickory - SOLD

27. hickory

28. plum - SOLD

29. plun - SOLD

30. pear - SOLD

31. pear - SOLD

32. pear - SOLD

33. apple - SOLD

34. apple

35. apple - SOLD

36. apple

37. oak

38. oak

39. oak

40. Japanese maple

41. Japanese maple

42. Japanese maple

43. wavy maple - SOLD

44. wavy maple - SOLD

45. wavy maple - SOLD

46. lilac - SOLD

47. lilac - SOLD

48. lilac - SOLD

49. pin oak - SOLD

50. pin oak

51. pin oak

52. hornbeam - SOLD

53. hornbeam

54. birdseye maple - SOLD

55. mulberry - SOLD

56. mulberry - SOLD

57. mulberry

58. mulberry - SOLD

59 curly maple - SOLD

60 curly maple - SOLD

61 curly maple - SOLD

62. elm

63. elm SOLD

64. elm

Size "Q" (15.75mm) Crochet Hooks

Link to the "Q" Hook Page

51 Size Q (15.75mm) hooks for sale Hooks are 15.75-16MM ("Q")
Woods are: (top to bottom)
1. cherry - SOLD

2. cherry - SOLD

3. cherry

4. cherry - SOLD

5. cherry - SOLD

6. cherry

7. dogwood - SOLD

8. dogwood - SOLD

9. walnut - SOLD

10. walnut - SOLD

11. walnut

12. walnut

13. maple - SOLD

14. maple

15. maple - SOLD

16. ash - SOLD

17. ash

18. honey locust

19. honey locust

20. lyptus - SOLD

21. hickory - SOLD

22. hickory

23. black locust - SOLD

24. black locust - SOLD

25. Plum - SOLD

26. Plum

27. pear - SOLD

28. pear - SOLD

29. apple - SOLD

30. apple

31. apple

32. Japanese maple

33. Japanese maple - SOLD

34. Japanese maple

35. oak

36. oak - SOLD

37. wavy maple

38. wavy maple

39. lilac - SOLD

40. pin oak

41. pin oak

42. mulberry - SOLD

43. mulberry

44. mulberry

45. curly maple - SOLD

46. curly maple

47. elm

48. elm

49. butternut

50. bird's eye maple - SOLD

51. hop hornbeam - SOLD

Size "S" (19mm) Crochet Hooks

Link to the "S" Hook Page

53 Size S (19mm) hooks for sale All hooks are 19MM ("S")
Woods are: (top to bottom)

1. cherry - SOLD

2. cherry

3. cherry - SOLD

4. walnut - SOLD

5. walnut

6. walnut

7. maple - SOLD

8. maple

9. ash

10. honey locust

11. honey locust

12. plum - SOLD

13. pear - SOLD

14. pear

15. dogwood - SOLD
NOTE: #'s 15 & 16
have filled cracks
Price: $12 each
16. apple - SOLD

17. Japanese maple

18. Japanese maple

19. oak

20. oak

21. oak

22. wavy maple - SOLD

23. wavy maple - SOLD

24. pin oak - SOLD

25. mulberry

26. elm

27. elm

28. elm

To Hook Gallery Page

To Jumbo Hook Gallery Page

Back to Crochet Hook Page

Please e-mail to check size/wood availability before ordering:
If you use gmail, please include your phone number. They block my mail.


Large crochet hooks: $16.00 each.
For specific hooks, specify size, hook number and wood (eg. P#2 cherry)
If you want us to pick your hook, specify sizes and desired wood preferences.
SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEE: (Priority mail - domestic) $7.00 per entire Turn of the Century order.
Orders shipped within 1-2 days of receipt of payment. Please send your complete mailing address and a day or night phone or e-mail, and...
Payment by check or money order to:
Turn of the Century
1676 Millsboro Road
Mansfield, OH 44906-3374
Phone 419/529-8876

-- For those using Paypal: Use the Paypal click logo at the bottom of the TC home page.
(Paypal ID: -- -- should fill in automatically.)

For more information on ordering, shipping and payment, see the Ordering Info Page

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All Turn of the Century designs © copyright William Schmidt, Turn of the Century